《复仇》 第8期:倾向富裕的生活(在线收听

 Yeah, well, I suppose you do have cause to celebrate, 好吧  我觉得你应该庆祝一下

'cause I'm lifting the contingencies on your trust fund. 因为我提高了你信托基金的应急费用
Oh, really? 是吗
Yeah, with a small caveat, of course. 没错  当然也附加了点额外条件
That you invest it all in the company 那就是你必须把这笔钱
along with your share of your mother's inheritance. 连同你母亲留给你的遗产一起投入公司
Or I could just set it all on fire. 或者我也可以把它们都烧了
Ah, it's not a joke, son. 这可不是开玩笑  儿子
You need to send a message to the community. 你得向公众做出一种姿态
What, that we're willing to throw good money after bad? 什么姿态  我们愿意花大钱亡羊补牢
No, that we're still willing to bet on ourselves. 不  是告诉他们我们还敢为自己赌一把
Look... 听着
Every red cent of this family's net worth was earned 这份家业里的每一分钱
by making bold and calculated risks. 都是靠着大胆冒险挣来的
And as you can see, with very few exceptions, 如你所见  鲜少失败
those ventures have paid off in spades. 这些险中求胜都获得了极大的回报
Oh, I think mom might have a different opinion about that. 我想妈妈肯定不会同意你的观点
Because directly or indirectly, 因为多多少少
what happened to her... 我们对她的死
that's on both of us. 负有一定的责任
Well, if that's the case, then rich or poor, 如果那么说的话  不管富裕还是贫穷
we're gonna have to live with that for the rest of our lives. 我们下半辈子都得生活在这种阴影下
I, for one, prefer the former. 仅就我自己而言  还是倾向富裕的生活