《复仇》 第17期:她不爱我了(在线收听

 How would you feel about moving down to the boat for a while? 你能搬到船上住一段时间吗

Oh, sure. Yeah. Whatever. 没问题  我随便
What do you want me to do? 你要我怎么办
Tell her you're not in love with her. 告诉她你不爱她
I'm sorry, 我很遗憾
but living a lie is not gonna do any good for anybody, 但生活在谎言中对谁都没好处
least of all that kid. 尤其是对孩子
I'm just trying to do right by everyone. 我只是想照顾到每个人
Start with yourself. 先照顾好你自己吧
How are you feeling? 你感觉怎么样
Free. 无拘无束
Excuse me. 失陪了
Darling, you look radiant. 亲爱的  你精神好极了
Uh, you're still on track for release this week, I take it. 看来你这周出来还需要有人跟着
I'm just waiting for her blood panel to come back, yeah. 等验血结果出来后  我就走
Don't worry. I'm clean. 放心  我已经戒了
I know. 我知道
Listen, I was thinking 我计划着
that we might spend the summer in the city this year, 我们今年夏天搬市区里住
away from all those, uh, 摆脱这些
terrible memories at the beach house. 海滩边的糟糕回忆
I was thinking the same thing. 我们的想法如出一辙
I want to sell it. 我想把这边房子卖了
Is that so? 你真这么想