《复仇》 第18期:兄妹间的恶战(在线收听

 Well, I'm--I'm afraid 那恐怕

you're gonna have an uphill battle 你和你哥哥得有一场恶战了
convincing your brother to, uh, put up his half. 你必须说服他  他还有一半产权
He can buy me out. I'd be fine with that, too. 他可以把我那半买下  我不介意
I see. 好吧
Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们  下午好
and happy memorial day. 欢迎出席纪念仪式
It seemed only fitting 在这一季的活动
to use the official start of the season 正式开幕前
to pay tribute to a woman 我们有必要向一位女士致敬
whose absence is still unimaginable. 她的离去是巨大的损失
I'm referring, of course, to the late great 很明显  我指的就是已故的伟大的
humanitarian and philanthropist Victoria Grayson. 人道主义者和慈善家  维多利亚·格雷森
She's giving the eulogy? 她来发表悼词
Uh, tribute, sweetheart. Tribute. 致敬  亲爱的  是致敬
Eulogies are for funerals. 悼词是在葬礼上用的
...Victoria's impeccable art collection. 维多利亚完美的艺术收藏
And I'm confident that Victoria, 我确信  维多利亚
whom I worked so closely with for so long, 我和她密切合作多时
would say that, in a word, she approves. 一定会用一句话来回答  我同意
while whirling like a dervish in her grave. 像托钵僧一样在坟墓里转个不停
Ladies and gentlemen, 女士们先生们
I give you an exquisite work by Dominik Wright-- 我向你们呈上多米尼克·赖特的精美画作
the aptly titled "Victoria, unfinished." 颇有寓意地命名为"维多利亚  未完待续"