生活口语天天说 第346期:怎样参观悉尼歌剧院(在线收听

 It is my first time to go to concert in the Sydney Opera House. 这是我第一次在悉尼歌剧院听音乐会。

It is my first time to go to concert in the Sydney Opera House. 这是我第一次在悉尼歌剧院听音乐会。
Do you like the opera house? 你喜欢这个歌剧院吗?
Terrific! 太棒了!
Yes,it is an enjoyment to come here. 是的,来到这里是一种享受。
It's a great hall and the acoustics are so good. 歌剧院很棒,音响效果不错。
What do you think of the Sydney Opera House? 你觉得悉尼歌剧院怎么样?
It's a great hall and the acoustics are so good. 歌剧院很棒,音响效果不错。
I like it,too. 我也喜欢。