生活口语天天说 第347期:怎样谈论澳大利亚生活(在线收听

 The Australians are very warm-hearted. 澳大利亚人很热情。

Do you like the Australians? 你喜欢澳大利亚人吗?
Yes. The Australians are very warm-hearted.  是的。澳大利亚人很热情。
And they are also easy-going. 他们也很随和。
Oh, it's true. I want to have a visit there again.  哦,的确如此。我想再去一次。
Me too. 我也是。
I enjoy the life in Australia very much. 我很享受澳大利亚的生活。
I have been here for two months. 我已经在这里两个月了。
Have you got used to the life in Australia? 你习惯澳大利亚的生活了吗?
I enjoy the life in Australia very much. 我很享受澳大利亚的生活。
You're right, the environment here is very good. 是的,这里的环境很好。