生活口语天天说 第353期:怎样谈论学习(在线收听

 I am learning business management in Auckland University.  我在奥克兰大学学习工商管理。

Hi, Jenny. Nice to see you. 你好,珍妮。见到你很高兴。
I never expect I can meet you in New Zealand. 真没想到会在新西兰遇见你。
I am learning business management in Auckland University. 我在奥克兰大学学习工商管理。
Me too, but I'm just freshman. 我也是,但我只是大一新生。
Don't worry. If you come into trouble, I will help you. 别担心,如果你有问题的话我会帮助你的。
I will graduate by the end of this year. 年底我就毕业了。
I will graduate by the end of this year. 年底我就毕业了。
Are you going back to your home country?  你要回国吗?
I will not leave until next March.  我明年3月离开。