《复仇》第2集 第10期:帮别人养孩子(在线收听

 What's going on? 怎么了

We just had a paternity test. 我们刚刚做了亲子鉴定
Seriously? 真的假的
Okay. 好吧
What are you gonna do? 你要怎么办
I mean, if it isn't yours? 我是说  如果孩子不是你的
I don't know yet. 我还不知道
But no matter what she's done, she's still Amanda. 不管她做了什么  她还是阿曼达
No, no. No matter who she is, 不  不管她是谁
if she lied to you, man... 如果她骗了你
Why would you raise somebody else's kid? 你为何要抚养别人的孩子呢
I mean, if it's yours, great. 如果是你的  皆大欢喜
Obviously, we'll manage. But if it's not... 显然  我们会处理好  但倘若不是
Our world is falling apart around us. 我们的生活已经分崩离析
We don't need the extra burden. 我们不需要更多的累赘
I mean, you tell me 你说说看
that you wouldn't be a little bit relieved. 你一点都不会感到轻松
If you want, I can wait for you 如果需要  你和你母亲谈话时
while you talk to your mother, 我可以等在外面
drive you home after? 之后再送你回家
Assuming you're going back to the Hamptons. 如果你还想回汉普顿的家
Or you're welcome to stay with me. 或者你可以搬来和我住
That's really nice, Emily. 多谢你的好意  艾米莉