《复仇》第2集 第12期:魔鬼妈妈(在线收听

 You hearing this, Ems? This should help. 你都听到了吗  艾米  这些应该有用

Is victoria's heart still beating? 维多利亚的心脏还在跳吗
Was it ever? 它跳过吗
What's the update on Amanda anyway? 阿曼达那里有什么进展
I hacked into the lab, but the results aren't in yet. 我黑进了实验室  但是结果还没出来
You'll know as soon as they are, though. 不过一有结果你就会知道的
And she just opened the bag. 她刚打开包
What is this supposed to be? 这些都是干嘛用的
I went home and packed 我回家打包带来的
Whatever I thought you could sell for cash. 所有我能想到的  你能卖掉换钱的东西
That should be enough to get you by for now, 这些应该够你生活一段时间了
and after the baby is born, I can bring more. 等到孩子出生  我会带更多过来
What, more spoons and tiaras? This is worthless to me. 更多的汤匙和头饰吗  这些对我来说分文不值
Why is it you seem more upset about the money 为什么比起我在这里
than me staying? 你更看重钱呢
I thought this was about us. 我以为只要我们在一起就够了
You're right, Charlotte. 你说对了  夏洛特
It was never about us. 根本没有我跟你
My plan was always to leave everything behind, you included. 我的计划始终都是丢下所有  包括你
I only needed you to access the account. 我只需要你来激活账户而已
If you want to spend the summer with amanda clarke, go ahead. 如果你想和阿曼达·克拉克共度夏日  去吧
Let her be your family now. 让她来做你的家人好了
You really are a monster, aren't you? 你真是个魔鬼  不是吗