《复仇》第1集 第13期:母亲不会抛弃自己的女儿(在线收听

 Go on. 你走吧

And whatever happens, don't come back here! 无论发生什么  都别再回来了
Tragic. 悲剧
Victoria pushing Charlie away to save her? 维多利亚赶走夏莉来自救吗
Bittersweet victory, Ems. 喜忧参半的胜利啊  艾米
Don't take your eyes off of her. 给我一直盯着她
I'm not convinced.  What makes you say that? 我不相信  为什么这么说
A mother doesn't leave her daughter so easily. 一个母亲不会这么轻易离开孩子的
undefined undefined
What happened? 发生什么了
My mother. 我妈妈她
Can we just go, please? 我们能先离开这儿吗
Oh, and the poor lonely panther came to realize 孤独可怜的黑豹终于意识到
she would never return to the jungle 自己再也回不到那个
from whence she came. 让自己熠熠生辉的丛林了
So this is what you do all day, 你整天就做这个吗
watch nature channel videos? 看自然频道的节目
Oh. You caught me. Huh. 好吧  你逮到我了
And you are? 请问你是
Padma. 帕德玛
Oh. Right. 哦  对了
One of my lawyers? 我的某个律师吗
Accounting analyst. 是会计分析师
Huh. Well, you look different in 3-d. 好吧  你真人看起来不太一样
We all do. 彼此彼此
Something you'd know if you came to the office occasionally. 如果你偶尔来几次办公室就明白了