《复仇》第2集 第15期:操控小女孩(在线收听

 Uh, excuse me, gentlemen. 失陪一会  先生们

undefined undefined
Family matters. 家务事
Ashley, would you? 阿什莉  你来
Of everything you've ever done, 在你做过的所有事情中
this might be the most repulsive. 再没比这事更叫人厌恶的了
Daniel, this is not the place-- 丹尼尔  这里不是--
No, you cleaned out Charlotte's bank accounts. 你把夏洛特的银行账户都清空了
You manipulated a teenage girl 你居然操控了一个还在
who's still mourning her mother's death. 悼念自己母亲的十几岁小女孩
I mean, my god! What are you? 天呐  你到底是个什么样的人
I am your father. 我是你父亲
And I'm her father, whether she wants me to be or not. 也是她的父亲  不管她承不承认
And every choice I make is in her best interests. 我走的每一步都是为了她好
Oh, like hell it is. This is the same crap 都是为她好  你说来说去
you always say.  What I did is done! 都是这些鬼话  -事以成定局
It is over. 都结束了
So don't you come to me now, especially now, 所以现在  尤其是现在
complaining that I should've done things differently. 你就别来指责我不应该如何如何
You know, if you really wanted to help, 你要当真想帮忙
you'd have given me your trust when I asked for it, 当时我问你要信托基金时你就该给我
then I wouldn't have had to touch Charlotte's-- 这样我就不必去拿夏洛特的--
You're right, dad. No, you're right. 没错  爸  你说的没错
It's all my fault. But this? 都是我的错  但这事
This is far from over. 这事没完