《复仇》第2集 第18期:贴心哥哥(在线收听

 Char? 小夏

Must feel nice to unpack. 拆包整理的感觉不错吧
Repacking, actually. 是重新打包
Emily offered me a room at her place. 艾米莉让我住她家
What's that? 那是什么
I went to the bank and opened up 我去银行
a new trust account for you-- 给你开了个新的信托账户
one that dad can't touch. 爸爸动不了这个账户
I transferred everything I own into it, 我把我所有财产都转进去了
including my half of the inheritance. 也包括我那半遗产
You can even have my car if you want it. 想要车的话也可以拿去
What? 什么
Why are you doing this? 为什么
'Cause when you were born, 因为你出生的时候
mom made me promise to be nice to you, 妈妈让我保证  要对你好
and I don't want to let her down. 我不想让她失望
I'm gonna move out to the pool house. 我会搬到泳池客房
This, uh, you can have this place to yourself. 这房子你可以一个人住
Daniel, I have-- 丹尼尔  我
What's this about the pool house? 泳池客房怎么了
I have some news. We'll talk about it over a drink... 有些事要告诉你  待会边喝东西
or two. 边说
Sorry. What were you gonna say? 你刚才要说什么
I'll find you after I unpack. 我收拾完东西就去找你