《复仇》第2集 第21期:绑架犯(在线收听

 I was doing everything in my power 我已竭尽所能去满足那绑架犯无休止的要求了

to meet her abductor's incessant demands. 那绑架犯无休止的要求了
But it, uh, it bled me dry. 但我都被榨干了
Depleted almost all my accounts... 所有账户几乎都空空如也
and my daughter's. 我女儿的也是
Are you saying that's what happened 你说的是
to Charlotte's inheritance? 夏洛特的遗产账户吗
Tonight was to be the final payment. 今晚本应付清最后一笔赎金
Daniel? 丹尼尔
Detective, a moment? 探长  稍等一下
Why? Why didn't you tell me? 你为什么不告诉我
This whole time, you knew the truth? 一直以来  你都知道真相
You could have at least told me my mother was alive. 至少你能告诉我妈妈还活着
My top priority was to protect her life. 我的首要职责是保护她的安全
If I told you or anyone, Daniel... 如果我告诉你或任何人  丹尼尔
You don't understand what this man is capable of. 你对这人的手段根本毫无概念
He took down that plane. 他炸了那架飞机
He killed poor Lydia. 杀了可怜的莉迪亚
He had shock-white hair, 他长着浓密的白发
the color of snow. 雪白雪白的