《复仇》第2集 第22期:什么都不干就能拿钱(在线收听

 Late night at the office? 还在加班吗

What are you doing back here? 你回来干什么
We just docked. 我们刚靠岸
So, listen, um... I need a favor. 我需要你帮个忙
What kind of favor? 帮什么忙
I-I need you to hold on to something. 我需要你帮我保存点东西
It--it's my parents. 我爸妈
You know, they breathe down my neck. 他们时刻都监视着我
They go through my crap. 还仔细检查我的东西
I can't keep anything at home that they don't know about. 我在家藏什么都逃不过他们法眼
Listen, if this is about drugs, I don't want any-- 如果是毒品  就别
No, it's not. 不是
Did you steal that? 你偷的吗
No, my dad gave it to my stepmom for Valentine's Day. 不  是我爸给继母的情人节礼物
And she's not gonna notice that that's missing? 她难道不会注意到丢了吗
She'll blame the maid. You know the type. 她会怪女佣的  她就是那种人
Look, all you need to do is just 你要做的只是替我
hang on to it for a couple days, and I'll give you 500 bucks. 保存几天  然后我就给你五百美元
Why me? 为什么找我
'Cause you need the money. 因为你缺钱啊
That's a lot of cash to do nothing. Hmm? 什么都不用做就能拿这么多钱  是吧
Cool. 很好
And there's a lot more where that came from. 这后头钱还多着呢