《复仇》第2集 第24期:维多利亚重生(在线收听

 Hello. 你好

You have something I need. 你手上有我要的东西
Every frame of it. 的的确确
You know where to find me. 你知道怎么找到我
We need to get you to the hospital. 我们得送你去医院
No, no hospital. 不  不去医院
Please call my private physician 请给我的私人医生打电话
and have him meet me at the-- 让他在...见我
Okay, in my defense, there is no way 我要辩解下  任何人都无从知晓
anyone could've seen that coming. 事情会发展成这样
Well, right, had I kept an eye on Victoria, 我有监视维多利亚吗
I would have, but, see, the problem is, 我本来要的  但问题是
Ever since you came back, and even before that, 自从你回来之后  甚至此前
it's like you just expect me to be 你似乎希望我只是
your fashionably dressed, technologically savvy sidekick. 你穿着入时  精通技术的伙伴
You're right. 你说得没错
You should have your own life, your own place. 你该有自己的生活  自己的住所
So is Charlotte moving in? 这么说夏洛特要搬进来了
No. 不
She's up at her house, 她在她自己家里
celebrating her mother's second coming. 庆祝母亲的重生
Oh, victory, Victoria. 维多利亚凯旋而归了