《复仇》第2集 第25期:阿曼达坏了杰克的孩子(在线收听

 And... 而且

to add to all that, 再加上
Amanda carrying Jack's baby... 阿曼达怀了杰克的孩子
I told amanda that I fixed the results... 我告诉阿曼达  是我改了结果
that Jack isn't the father. 孩子不是杰克的
You lied to her? 你骗了她
That's dark, even for you. 就算是你 这招也够阴险的
I don't care where you go tonight, 我不管你今晚住哪儿
but you can't stay here. I need the place to myself. 总之不能呆这儿了  我需要独处
I don't think you should be alone. 我觉得你该有人陪着
Don't worry. I won't be. 别担心  有人陪我
So, um... 所以
I was waiting to tell you the news. 我一直等着要告诉你这个消息
It's your kid. 那是你的孩子
How'd you know? 你怎么知道
You left the results lying around upstairs. 你把检查结果放楼上了
Congratulations. 恭喜你
Listen, what I said earlier 我之前说的
about not needing an extra burden... 无需再添累赘
That's me. I-I'm the extra burden. 说的是自己  我是累赘
No, Dec, you-- - Yeah, I am. I am. 不  德克  你  -是 我确实是