《复仇》第2集 第27期:被扭曲的事实(在线收听

 You knew her, didn't you? 你认识她  对不对

Did the Graysons hire you to kill her 格雷森夫妇是否雇了你去杀她
like you killed my father? 就像你杀了我父亲那样
If anyone could've proven David Clarke was innocent, 倘若有人能证明大卫·克拉克是无辜的
it was your mother. 那个人就是你母亲了
How? 怎么回事
When he asked for a divorce, 当他要求离婚时
he told her he planned to marry Victoria. 他告诉她  他要娶维多利亚为妻
Your mother's testimony 你母亲的证词
would've brought down the whole house of cards. 会毁了那整副牌局
You? 你
What are you doing here? 你来这里做什么
I realize I'm the last person you would ever wish to see. 我知道你最不想见的人就是我
But I am sick with guilt for the mistakes I've made. 可我对犯下的错误愧疚不已
You stole my husband, you whore. 你偷了我的丈夫  你这个贱人
I know this is going to be 我明白接下来要说的
very hard for you to understand, 你恐怕难以理解
but David had both of us fooled. 但大卫将我俩都玩于股掌之中
He's not the man you thought you married. 他不是那个你想象中的那个丈夫
He's a murderer 他是个杀人犯
and a terrorist. 还是个恐怖分子