《复仇》第3集 第2期:失眠夜(在线收听

 He wanted you dead. 他要杀你

I prefer you alive. 我不希望你死
And I prefer you 10,000 miles away from here. 我希望你能离这里越远越好
Tell Takeda I don't need a nanny. 告诉武田  我不需要保姆
Takeda didn't send me. 不是他派我来的
He didn't stop you either. 他也没阻止你
Are you gonna get out, or do I need to throw you out? 你是自己走  还是要我扔你出去
What you need right now is my help. 你现在需要我的帮助
She's cleaning. 她在打扫
She does that when she can't sleep. 她睡不着时经常那样做
Perhaps I should give it a try. 或许我也该试试
Well, given what you've been through, 鉴于你近来所遭受的一切
insomnia seems reasonable. 会失眠也是正常的
I wonder what her excuse is. 那她为什么睡不着
You miss her, don't you? 你想她了  对
I've spent a lot of restless nights out here, mom. 我在这里渡过了无数个不眠夜  妈
Either you look at the ocean or Emily's house, 不管是凝望海还是艾米莉的房子
it's simple geography. 不过是对象不同罢了
Besides, I'm with Ashley now. 况且  我有阿什莉了
Yet, you're still restless. 但你还是无法安睡
Well, it's kind of hard to sleep 门外有一堆记者驻扎
with all those reporters camped outside the gate 空中也不得安宁
and cluttering the sky. 想睡着也难
The news hounds won't stop until they get my story. 他们在知道我的故事前是不会消停的
And what exactly is your story? 你的故事到底是什么