《复仇》第3集 第3期:威胁维多利亚(在线收听

 Hello? Do you know who this is? 你好  你知道我是谁吗

Yes. 当然
Not an easy voice to forget. 这声音没那么容易忘记
After the ding of the seat belt sign, 等安全带指示灯亮起之后
the next sound you'll hear will be 你接下来听见的将会是
14 ounces of plastic explosives detonating. 重达14盎司塑料炸药的爆炸声
My proposition-- 我的提议
Conrad's demise is mutually beneficial. 让康拉德死对我们都有好处
All it requires is splitting Charlotte's inheritance. 只用瓜分夏洛特的遗产
Decline, and your daughter will be joining you 拒绝的话  你女儿就会被卷入
in the Grayson family plot. 格雷森的家族阴谋中
I'm listening. 洗耳恭听
And you're certain it was the white-haired man? 你确定是那个白发男
Of course. 当然
Who else? 还能是谁
I'm just wondering how he could've boarded the plane 我搞不懂他怎么能完全避开
completely undetected by ground crew. 地勤人员潜入飞机
You sound like a journalist. 你口气真像记者
Or even worse, a detective. 甚至更糟  像个警探
Detectives are still on your side last I checked. 我记得警方也站你这边吧
And the implication is that you are not? 所以你在暗示你不是吗
I don't know. 我不知道