《复仇》第4集 第2期:再次和联盟扯上关系(在线收听

 This detective Lasky is probably one of them. 这个拉斯基警探很可能是他们的人

All the more reason I need to find her. 这下我更要找到她了
And tell her what? 然后和她说什么
Have you thought how she might react 你想过她知道戈登死了后
when she finds out that Gordon's dead? 会有什么反应吗
I didn't kill him. 又不是我杀的
And if she asks me, 如果她真的问我
I'll have no problem telling her who did. 我不介意告诉她是谁干的
Right, will that be before or after you tell her 那这是在你告诉她你真实身份
who you really are? 之前还是之后呢
Or maybe she'll save you the trouble by recognizing you. 也许她直接认出你了  还省事了
Think, Emily. 仔细想想  艾米莉
This woman has the power to destroy 这女人有能力把你的复仇大计
everything you came here to do. 全部摧毁
We don't know what her motives are. 我们还不知道她的动机
The white-haired man had nearly 20 years 白发男有将近20年时间
to brainwash her into believing anything he wanted. 给她洗脑  灌输他的任何理论
That--that is exactly the point I've been trying to make. 这正是我一直想让你明白
Before you track her down, 在你追踪到她之前
you better be prepared for what you might find. 你最好对可能的结果做好心理准备
Em-- 艾米
This is a terrible idea. 这想法愚蠢至极
Bringing the Initiative back into our lives 再次和联盟扯上关系
is a recipe for disaster. 无异于一场灾难
Well, perhaps you should've thought of that 当你和他们麾下的杀人魔
before you made then broke a deal 达成协议后又毁约的时候
with one of their deadliest assassins. 就该想到这点的
And it's not an invitation, in any case. 不管怎样  这不是个客气的邀请
It's a summons. 这是一次召集
Oh, and it has to be you? 非得是你吗
Is that worry I detect in your voice? 听你的语气是在担心吗
Yes, it is. 是的
Worry that you will screw things up 我担心你会把事情搞砸
like everything else you lay your reptilian hands on. 就像你每次染指其他事情一样