《复仇》第6集 第1期:失败的领导者(在线收听

 And just like the story, it's only a matter of time 和故事的结局一样  人们迟早会发现

before the world learns he's unfit to lead. 他是个失败的领导者
Okay, here's the list of the reconstructive surgeons that you consulted with. 这张表里是所有你咨询过的整形医生
Ultimately, Dr. Spencer is the one who removed the scars. 最后是斯潘瑟医生帮你消除了伤疤
You recovered at the plaza hotel on... 你在假日酒店康复的日期是...
September 19th, 2007. 2007年9月19日
2006. 是2006年
Amanda, you need to know these details. 阿曼达  你必须熟知所有细节
Mason's gonna try to confuse you with these questions. 梅森会用各种问题把你弄晕
How am I supposed to tell him I paid for all this? 他要是问我是怎么支付这些费用的呢
A generous patron from the club. 在俱乐部里认识的人慷慨地替我付了钱
I've written down specifics about him, too. 我也有写他的具体情况
Though hopefully, you won't have to go there. 但希望不会问到这么多
What if he doesn't buy it? 他要是不信呢
What if he starts digging deeper? 如果他深究下去怎么办
He won't. 不会的
By the end of this weekend, 等这周之后
my burn scars will be yesterday's news, 我的烧伤疤痕就不再重要了
And... Mason's attention will be focused 因为我会设下新的局
On the next trail I'm sending him down. 转移梅森的注意力
And where will that one lead? 转移去哪儿
Back to the Graysons. 转回格雷森一家