《复仇》第6集 第9期:将格雷森一家打入深渊(在线收听

 Although Victoria's little kidnapping story 尽管维多利亚编造的绑架一事

seemed to go down pretty easy for everyone. 大家竟然那么容易就信了
Ah, no, dear. 不  亲爱的
I practically required the Heimlich when I heard. 我听说这事儿的时候差点没呛死
That guy they accused of doing it-- 他们指控的所谓凶手
Conrad used to work with him. 康拉德曾与他共事
I think they framed him somehow, 我觉得他们设法陷害了他
just like my father. 就像陷害我父亲一样
How do you know this? 你怎么知道的
I saw him at the house last summer, 我去年夏天见到他在屋子里
arguing with Conrad. 与康拉德争吵
When he left, I snuck a peek at his phone 他离开时  我瞥了一眼康拉德的手机
to see his recent calls. 看了一下最近的通话记录
Only one of them was unassigned. 只有一通是未知来电
I think it belonged to the white-haired man. 我觉得是那个白发男人打的
Whoever finds him 不管是谁找到他
will blow the lid on the whole story. 都会戳穿她编的故事
You never did anything with the number? 你没查过那个号码吗
That would've required going to the police. 那需要警方的协助
I mean... it's not like I had the resources 我是说  我又没什么人脉
to hack phone records by myself. 可以凭一己之力去探查电话记录
I, on the other hand, can be quite resourceful. 而我则不然  人脉很广
I would like nothing more than to pick up your torch... 我非常乐意接过你的重任
And use it to set the Graysons ablaze. 将格雷森一家打入无底深渊