《复仇》第6集 第10期:真心真意想要结婚(在线收听

 Have you seen the mate to this cufflink? 你见到这颗袖扣的另一只吗

No. 没有
A present from you at our first wedding. 这是你在我们初婚时送给我的礼物
I was hoping to wear them today. 我希望今天能戴着
Oh. Well, then let's call the whole thing off. 好吧  那干脆取消活动算了
Learn to take a joke, Conrad, 要开得起玩笑  康拉德
Since we're perpetrating one. 我们现在不就是在演闹剧嘛
Yeah, I think I'll go with the pearls. 好吧  我就戴珍珠项链好了
Charlotte, why isn't your hair done? 夏洛特  你怎么还没做头发
Here. 给
This is for you for today. 今天这个借给你戴
You gave it to me for my-- 你送给我的  作为我的...
16th birthday. We had tea at the Pierre 16岁生日礼物  我们当时在Pierre餐厅喝了茶
And saw "Swan lake." 然后看了《天鹅湖》
I thought it could represent something borrowed and blue. 我觉得这可以代表借来之物和蓝色之物
Thank you. 谢谢
Now you really have to get your hair done. 现在你真得做一下头发了
The cars are coming in two hours. 车两小时后就到
I'm not going, mom. 我不会去的  妈
What do you mean, you're not going? Of course you are. 什么叫你不去了  你当然得去了
I can't do it--go out there in front of all those people 我做不到  在众目睽睽之下
and fake it for yet another P.R. stunt? 为了公关  假装做做样子
Nobody's faking anything. 没人需要假装什么
Your mother and I wouldn't be doing this 你妈妈和我如果不是真心实意想结婚
if we didn't both want it. 我们也不会去做的