《复仇》第6集 第11期:真心对待彼此(在线收听

 The question isn't whether you want it, 问题不是你们是否想做

it's why. 而是为什么
I'm going to go help Declan at the Stowaway. 我要去偷渡者酒吧帮德克兰
They're reopening today. 他们今天重新开张
Oh, not that one again. 不  别又找那小子
"That one," mom, "那小子"  妈
is the only thing that's real in my life. 那是我人生中唯一真实的存在
Can you two say the same about each other? 你们两个是真心实意对待彼此的吗
Treadwell went for it. 特德韦尔上钩了
He took the number? 他拿走了号码吗
He practically ran off with it. 他差不多是拿着号码兴奋地跑走的
And he seems to think I'm you again... 现在他又相信我是你了
For now. 至少暂时是
Thank you, and trust me, this is all gonna work out. 谢谢  相信我  这次一定会成功的
It better, 最好是这样
because next time Mason Treadwell 因为梅森·特德韦尔下次再敢
tries to threaten my family, 威胁我的家人
I handle him my way. 我就用我的方式解决他
Mm. Nice tux. 礼服真帅气
Hope you're not planning on wearing it 希望你不是打算今晚穿去
to the Graysons' wedding. 参加格雷森的婚礼
You're not going. 你不准去
How did you know I was even invited? 你怎么知道我被邀请了
Oh, right. 噢对
Watching your favorite closed-captioned show again? 又是看你最爱的监视器知道的吧
Daniel only invited you because he's on a digging mission 丹尼尔之所以邀请你  是因为他想深入挖掘
about my father investing in Nolcorp. 我父亲投资诺氏企业的事
And here I thought they wanted a caboose for the conga line. 我却觉得他们玩游戏需要更多的人呢
Padma, um, 帕德玛