《复仇》第6集 第12期:根据手机号码追踪别人(在线收听

 Emily wanted to know if you needed to borrow a dress 艾米莉想知道  你是否需要借一条裙子

for the wedding, given the short notice. 去参加婚礼  毕竟临时通知很仓促
I've... got it covered. 我  有所准备
Thanks. 谢谢
You invited her? 你邀请了她
She's exchanging information with Daniel, Nolan. 她在和丹尼尔交换情报  诺兰
Yeah, I want to confirm that for myself 是  我想亲自验证一下
before I do something that I'll regret. 以免做出会后悔的事
Not that I expect you to understand. 我不奢望你能理解我
No, what I don't understand 不  我不能理解的是
is why you're willing to risk your entire company for this. 为什么你用整个公司来冒险
If she helps prove that my father invested in Nolcorp, 如果她验证了我父亲曾经投资诺氏企业
they will come after you with everything they have. 他们会不惜一切代价对付你的
Daniel will not stop-- 丹尼尔不会阻止
I can handle Daniel Grayson. 我能搞定丹尼尔·格雷森
He's really not so formidable, at least... 他还没那么可怕
when there aren't feelings involved. 至少在没有私人感情掺杂其中的时候
Okay. You win with the steely eyes. 好吧  看在你犀利的眼神上算你对
Hello, Mason. 你好啊  梅森
Of course I can track a cell number to a name and address. 我当然能根据手机号码追踪姓名和住址
Child's play. 易如反掌