《复仇》第6集 第14期:最美丽的新娘(在线收听

 You need a break? You're moving a little slow here. 你要休息会吗  你看上去有点累

We gotta open that door in a couple of hours. 反正还要过几个小时才开门
No, I'm good. I just didn't sleep last night. 不用了  我很好  只是昨晚通宵没睡
You rockin' the boat with that rich girl Charlene? 你和那个富家女夏琳开船出海了
Charlotte, and no. 是夏洛特  我们没有
The rocking was from the moon tide and the northeast wind. 涨着潮  还刮着东北风
I don't have the sea legs my brother does. 我又没有哥哥那不晕船的本事
So how come you're the one bunking down there? 那你怎么是你在船上睡觉
- He's got a baby. - And you got the boot. -他有了孩子  -所以你被抛弃了
And now I see why you're knocking off houses for quick cash. 我现在知道你为什么要入室抢劫了
No, I told you, that money was for school. 不  我告诉过你那钱是为了交学费  
Know what I think? 知道我怎么想么
I think it's more than that. 我认为不仅于此
I think you're looking to make a mark, 我看你是想做点什么
have someone notice you. 让别人注意到你
You're sick of feeling pushed around here. 你恨透了任人摆布的感觉
Something I can relate to. 对于这点  我深感认同
Declan. 德克兰
Let's see, I can wipe ketchup bottles, 让我想想  我可以擦番茄酱瓶子
or I can try to make swans out of paper napkins. 或者把餐巾纸叠成天鹅的样子
What--what about your parents' wedding? 你父母的婚礼怎么样了
I'll catch the next one. 等下次再去
Okay. 好吧
I don't think you could've made my bride more beautiful 你们把我的新娘打扮得再漂亮一点
without inviting the wrath of the gods. 上帝都会嫉妒的
Well, Vera Wang had more than a little to do with this. 这都要归功于王薇薇