《复仇》第7集 第5期:痛苦的回忆(在线收听

 Sounds like a "Yes." 那我就当你同意了

I'll text you the address. 我短信发你地址
Big kiss to baby Carl. 深吻一下小卡尔
What is that about? 他打来所为何事
Mason, um... 梅森
wants to give me a journal 想给我一本日记
my father gave him to research his book. 是我父亲给他的书做素材的
Are you sure that you want to open up all these old wounds? 你确定你想重拾那些痛苦的回忆么
One last time. 最后一次
I promise. 我保证
Conrad, last time I found you here 康拉德  上次你来这
was four years ago after the market crash. 还是在4年前股市崩盘的时候
It's my little spot at the end of the world. 此处是我的避风港
You contemplating wading out to sea 你打算游向大海
and never coming back? 然后一去不返
Hell, no. Why go to the trouble of killing myself 不可能嘛  我何苦自寻短见
when there are so many others lining up to do it for me? 还有那么多人排着队想整死我呢
Conrad, 康拉德
you're worth far more to these fiends alive. 你活着对那些恶魔更有价值
As long as I nurture and hide their assets within my company, yes. 只要我把他们的资产圈在我的公司  那确实如此
By the way, I've been informed 顺便说一句  有人通知我
that they're sending an attache 他们会派一位大使馆专员
to the investor luncheon 参加投资人午宴
to deliver my marching orders. 来传达我的免职通知