《复仇》第7集 第7期:感恩拥有的一切(在线收听

 You've reached Mason Treadwell, 欢迎致电梅森·特德韦尔

bon vivant and provocateur. 富贵之人和奸细小人
Leave your bon mots at the tone. 有事请留下您的珠玑妙语
Mason. Amanda. 梅森  我是阿曼达
Forget about lunch, 午餐取消了
And if I ever as much as hear your name again, 如果你再敢来烦我
I will... get a restraining order. 我就  去申请一张禁令
Perfect. 很好
Now go home to Jack and the baby 现在回到杰克和孩子身边
and be grateful for what you have. 对你现在拥有的一切心怀感恩吧
I hear you bought yourself a bar. 我听说你买了个酒吧
Hey, little brother. 嘿  小弟
Bought into. I'm just the co-owner. 合伙而已  我现在是合伙老板
For now, right? 暂时而已  对吧
There's good money in getting people drunk. 开酒吧可是个赚钱的行当
Even better money in these five boat slips we now co-own. 如果能在我们现在共有的这5艘船上开就更赚了
Well, unfortunately, 不幸的是
they're in long-term leases with some longshoremen. 那些船都被长期租给码头工人了
Well, leases are made to be broken. 协定就是被用来违背的嘛
Don't forget what you're doing here. 别忘了你在这儿的任务是什么
That's the thing, it turns out the kids on the mortgage-- 问题就在于此  那些背负着抵押贷款的孩子
they're good guys. 他们都心地良善
Well, the same can't be said about their old man 但他们的老爹可算不上什么好人
and the rest of the businesses along these docks. 还有这附近的其他店也不是好货色
I really gotta remind you? 还需要我来提醒你吗
- Old man is dead. - That's a damn shame. -那老爹已经死了  -那真是可惜了
Need any help with that? 需要帮忙吗
Jack, hey. 你好  杰克
- Meet my brother Nate. - Hey. -来见过我弟弟奈特  -你好
Jack's my partner in the bar. 杰克就是我在酒吧的合伙人