《复仇》第7集 第30期:想要的交易(在线收听

 And the world will finally meet 到时世人将会看到一个

the real Leo Mason Treadwell. 真实的尼欧·梅森·特德韦尔
I guess you've got a deal, 我想你得到你想要的交易了
Ms. Clarke. 克拉克女士
To properly do penance, 想要正确地表达忏悔之意
one must express contrition for one's sins... 对你犯下的罪行必须真心悔过
and perform acts to repair the damage 并且以实际行动来
caused by those transgressions. 弥补那些罪行所造成的伤害
I've been thinking about our wedding... 我一直在想我们婚礼的事...
The one you imagined as a kid. 那个你儿时的梦想
So have I. 我也在想
I don't want a fancy wedding, Jack. 我不想要什么华丽的婚礼  杰克
All I need is you... 我只想要你...
and little Carl 和小卡尔
and a few friends 还有我们的朋友
on the boat you named after me. 在船上见证你我的结合
So I just spoke to our so-called security detail, 我刚才和我们所谓的保安特遣队谈过了
and the cameras went black for about five minutes today, 今天摄像头有五分钟的时间失灵了
during which Kara Clarke Murphy vanished. 就是卡拉·克拉克·墨菲消失的那几分钟
The Initiative. 是联盟的人干的