《复仇》第9集 第25期:收获忠诚(在线收听

 Mr. Grobet, 格罗贝先生

thank you for your vote. 谢谢您的投票
I suggest you smile and shake my hand. 我建议你面带微笑地跟我握个手
In addition to Nolcorp, 除了诺氏企业
my other acquisition today was your loyalty. 我的另外一个收获就是你的忠诚
Don't forget that. 别忘了
All right. 好吧
Emily, what a nice surprise. 艾米莉  你也来了啊
Daniel, I hear congratulations are in order. 丹尼尔  恭喜你当选总裁
Oh, thank you. 谢谢
I think I may have found my calling. 我想我总算找到了属于自己的职业
What brings you to the city? 你怎么来这儿了
Actually, I was just hoping to steal Aiden for a bit. 其实我是来找艾登的
Well, he's your man. 他归你了
I just need him for two seconds. 不过我有点事要跟他说一下
Absolutely. 当然
Victoria, Conrad. 维多利亚  康拉德
I bet you're so proud. 你们肯定感到非常骄傲
I know I am. 我都为他高兴
Congratulations I knew you could do it. 恭喜  我知道你一定能行
Aiden, I couldn't have done it without you. 艾登  没有我做不到这一步
Thank you. 谢谢
Which makes this bit of bad news 因此告诉你这个坏消息
all the more difficult to deliver. 我真的觉得很艰难
My leadership was not the only piece of new business 今天会上不仅决定了
that came to pass today. 我这个总裁职位
The board also elected to close ranks 还选举了一个团队
while the company goes through this transition. 帮助公司渡过磨合期