《复仇》第10集 第4期:重塑形象(在线收听

 I just got off the phone with Patricia Barnes. 我刚和帕翠莎·巴恩斯打完电话

She and her husband are going to be spending the weekend with us. 她和她丈夫打算和我们共度周末
Patricia and Judge Barnes? 帕翠莎和巴恩斯法官
The man's weeks away from a supreme court confirmation. 还有几周他就要拿到最高法院的确认了
You'd think our home would be 大家还以为
the last place he'd want to be seen. 我们家是他最不想见的地方呢
Oh, but not Patricia. 帕翠莎不这么认为
I just bought us the head table 我刚为我们买下了
at her annual liberty project benefit. 她年度自由项目慈善晚宴的贵宾桌席位
And why, pray tell, would you want to do that? 那请问  你为什么要这样做
Because her organization is dedicated 因为她的团队致力于
to helping the falsely convicted appeal their unjust verdicts. 帮助被误判有罪的人重新上诉
And as a man wrongly accused of a crime yourself, 你作为一个被误判有罪的人
this benefit is the perfect venue 这次慈善晚宴是你
for you to begin rehabilitating your image. 重塑形象的绝佳机会
Well, if they sold stock in irony, 如果股票价格是讽刺
I would be richer than the sultan of brunei. 我就会比文莱苏丹更有钱了
When Daniel inevitably falters as the head of Grayson Global, 格雷森国际集团总经理丹尼尔失败之时
the board is sure to 董事会肯定会
welcome you back with open arms. 热烈欢迎你的归来
Well, the question remains, 问题仍在于
how do we convince Daniel to abdicate? 我们要怎么说服丹尼尔放弃
We don't. 不必
Emily Thorne does. 艾米莉·索恩会的
"Dear Mr. Clarke, "亲爱的克拉克先生
as Dr. King once said, 正如马丁·路德·金所说
'Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere,' '一处不公  处处不公'
and I'm afraid you've suffered a grave injustice." 恐怕你正受到极大的不公"