《复仇》第10集 第5期:露出马脚(在线收听

 "My position during your trial "在你的审讯中  我的身份

afforded me an inside access to the system, 让我能接触到体制内部
a system I truly believed in 我曾深信这个体制
until I witnessed a man charged with upholding the law 直到我亲眼看着有人因捍卫法律受到起诉
act outside of it." 而锒铛入狱"
Judge Barnes has failed you, as have I." 巴恩斯法官辜负了你  我也是
It isn't signed. 没有署名
Yeah, but I'm almost certain 我几乎能肯定
that James Palmer wrote it. 是那个詹姆斯·帕尔默写的
Who's James Palmer? 谁是詹姆斯·帕尔默
The courtroom clerk during my father's trial. 我父亲审讯案的法庭书记员
My father's theory was that Palmer alerted Judge Barnes 我父亲认为  帕尔默让巴恩斯法官
to the one member of the jury 小心一个陪审员
who still believed my father was innocent. 此人始终相信我父亲是无辜的
And then Barnes passed that juror's name on to-- 于是巴恩斯就把这位陪审员的姓名告诉了
To the Graysons. 格雷森夫妇
Exactly. 没错
I've expressed the court's heartfelt condolences 我代表法庭对七号陪审员
to juror number seven and his family, 及其家人表示深切哀悼
and have recused him from service. 并且免其义务  撤换了他
An alternate juror has been added to the panel. 一位候补陪审员已经加入了陪审团
The trial will proceed without delay. 审讯将会如期进行
Thank you. 谢谢
That's Palmer, right next to Barnes. 紧挨着巴恩斯的就是帕尔默
He was killed in a subway accident 这事公开发表之后三天
three days after this was postmarked. 他就死于一场地铁意外
They got to him before you. 他们赶在你之前把他处理了
If I can position myself in front of Barnes 要是我能在巴恩斯面前
and raise the specter of James, 让他以为詹姆斯的鬼魂作祟
maybe I can trip him up. 也许能让他露出马脚