《复仇》第10集 第12期:分手戏码(在线收听

 Fazio. 法齐奥

Hi. 你好
Hey. 你好
I expected you to go at least a month 我还以为你得死撑一个月
before waving the white flag. 才能向我投降呢
Oh. Well, I'm sorry to disappoint. 抱歉让你失望了
I'm here because I've heard rumors 我来这里是因为我听说
you stashed away a number of secret investments 你在公司里藏匿了很多
inside the company walls. 秘密投资
I haven't the slightest idea what you're talking about. 我一点也不知道你在说什么
Oh. That's how it's gonna be, is it? 这么说你不准备承认了
Oh, yeah, Daniel. This is pretty much exactly how it's gonna be. 没错  丹尼尔  现实就是这样
You stole my company. 你窃取了我的公司
If there's anything else you're after, 如果你还想要其他的话
you're just gonna have to steal that, too. 你也得去偷去抢了
Ooh. Speaking of lost assets, 说到损失的资产
looks like Takeda's boy 看起来武田的小喽啰
is following right in your footsteps. 追随着你的脚步来了呢
That Emily's a real man-eater. 艾米莉可真是个狐狸精啊
Whatever your problem is with Daniel, 无论你和丹尼尔有什么不合
it has nothing to do with me. 和我都没有关系
My problem isn't with daniel. It's with this restaurant. 我对丹尼尔没有意见  我对这家餐厅有意见
You knew he was gonna be here. 你知道他回来这里
- That's crazy. - Oh, is it? -什么疯话  -是吗
Because I'm beginning to think that the only reason 因为我开始怀疑你和我
you've been dating me 约会的唯一原因
is so that you can keep tabs on your ex. 是为了同你前男友保持联系
Oh, that is hilarious. You asked me out. 真搞笑  是你约我的
If I'd have known that you were this insecure, 如果我知道你这么没有安全感
I wouldn't have said "Yes" In the first place. 我当初可不会答应的
Well, maybe you shouldn't have bothered. 也许你不该答应的
Believe me, I wish I hadn't. 相信我  我真希望我没答应
Good-bye, Aiden. Don't call me again. 再见  艾登  别打电话烦我