《复仇》第10集 第13期:形影不离的男人(在线收听

 Nolan, I see you found my office. 诺兰  看起来你找到我的办公室了

Isn't this where I wait 这难道不是我等着
to get my Grayson Global I.D. badge? 拿到我格雷森国际员工证的地方吗
When I said I wanted to meet, 当我说我想要见面时
I figured we'd get one on the books. 我还以为我们得弄个书面文件呢
Haven't you heard? Books are obsolete. 你没听说吗  书面文件早过时了
What's up, boss? 怎么了  老板
I need to know if you can create a program 我想知道你是否能设计一款软件
to identify rogue files 侦查试图隐匿在
intentionally hidden inside our computer system. 我们电脑系统中的文件
Oh, listen to you, trying to sound all... techy. 听听  说得多专业
What am I looking for? 要我找什么
That wasn't the question. Can you do it or not? 与你无关  能不能做到
Mm. Only because I want to make a good impression 第一周当然要给付我工资的老板
my first week on your payroll. 留下个好印象
Where's the London fog? 那个谜一样的男人哪去了
I thought you two were attached at the hip. 我以为你俩形影不离呢
Probably off somewhere licking his wounds. 大概去哪个角落舔伤口了
Emily broke up with him today. 今天艾米莉和他分手了
Really? 是嘛
Quelle surprise. 真是太意外了