《复仇》第10集 第18期:争锋相对(在线收听

 I am not the bad guy here. 我可不是在坏人

But if you keep siding with Daniel Grayson, 不过要是你继续和丹尼尔·格雷森同流合污
the only bad guy here is you. 那你就是那个坏人了
Nolan, look, we have to stop doing this to each other. 诺兰  咱们别这么针锋相对了
Let's go get some drinks. 一起去喝一杯吧
Sorry. You had your chance. 抱歉  我给过你机会
And I'm in. 黑进去了
Good night, Marco. 晚安  马可
Thank you. 谢谢
Emily, you look terrific as always. 艾米莉  你还是如此光彩照人
Thank you. 谢谢
I hope this isn't too awkward. 我希望这不会太尴尬
Are you okay... 你还好吗
after what happened today at lunch with you and Aiden? 我看到昨天午餐时你跟艾登分手了
Yeah. Yeah. A-aiden's a good guy. 没事  艾登是个好人
He's smart. He's... driven. 他很精明  很有野心
But... I don't know. Maybe he's just not for me. 但是  我也说不清  可能他就是不适合我
Well,at least you found out before it got too serious. 至少你深陷前及时抽身了
Luckily, the same can be said for me and Ashley. 幸运的是  我跟阿什莉也是如此