《复仇》第10集 第27期:口舌之争(在线收听

 Well, I'm assuming that conrad's speech will be coming before yours. 我猜  康拉德的演讲是在你之前吧

Can we also assume that Patricia will be introducing him? 是帕翠莎来介绍他吗
Oh, I'm afraid my wife's migraine has not subsided. 恐怕我妻子的偏头痛仍然严重
She'd prefer to stay out of the spotlight if she can. 她可能会尽量避开众人的关注
Conrad will have the honor of introducing himself tonight. 康拉德今晚将有幸作自我介绍
Happily. 我很乐意
There you are. 你来了
Didn't think they'd let you in 我还以为  经过昨晚的口舌之争  
after last night's sparring match. 他们不会让你来呢
Well, you'd be surprised what people will put up with 当你同意成为一名白金级捐赠者时
when you agree to be a platinum-level donor. 人们可是会无限容忍你的
Speaking of, I'm sorry things got so intense at dinner. 说到这  很抱歉昨晚把气氛搞得很紧张
Oh,don't be. It was a nice reminder 不用  这正好也让我记起了
how passionate Emily Thorne can be. 慷慨激昂的艾米莉·索恩是什么样的
I'm gonna go apologize. 我准备去道个歉
You love breakfast for dinner. 你不是喜欢把早餐放到晚上吃么
What's wrong? 怎么了
Nothing. 没什么
It's just gonna suck when you burn this boat down. 要是把船给烧了  可就惨了
You need to relax. 你得放轻松