《复仇》第11集 第21期:利用未婚妻(在线收听

 Mr. Grayson,congratulations. - Thank you. -格雷森先生  恭喜你  -谢谢

- That was great. - Thank you so much. -刚才太棒了  -非常感谢
Did you just invite me here to make your boy seem less... 你邀请我来是为了让你家小孩在他的投资人
boyish in front of his investors? 面前显得有男子气概吗
No, Jason. 当然不是  杰森
I invited you here because I enjoy your company. 我邀请你来是因为你是个不错的伴
Well,if that's true, 如果这是真的
perhaps we could continue this conversation 或许我们可以在某个更隐秘的地方
somewhere a little more private. 继续我们的谈话
Well,then. Let's have another round. 好啊  让我们再喝一杯
But the terrace is private enough. 阳台已经够隐秘了
Daniel. 丹尼尔
- Helen,you made it. - Sorry I'm late. -海伦  你来了  -抱歉  我来晚了
- Is the auction... - it's finished. -拍卖会  -已经结束了
You missed a good show. 你错过了一场好戏
Bidding got quite spirited towards the end there. 接近尾声的竞价很有看头
Oh,what a shame. I did so want to contribute. 真是遗憾  我本想也竞拍一下
I'm sorry. Have you two met? 抱歉  你们两个认识
Aiden Mathis,Helen Crowley. 艾登·马西斯  这是海伦·克劳利
- Aiden... - Mathis. -艾登  -马西斯
Oh,pleasure. 幸会
Oh,excuse me. I think it's time to pay the piper. 抱歉  我该去付钱了
Yes. 嗯
I was hoping you'd make an appearance. 我正期待着你露面呢
Really? Hope is so inactive. 真的吗  光期待可不行
And it seems to me you went to great lengths 但貌似你为了让我今晚过来
to get me here tonight-- 费了很大的功夫啊
Employing Daniel's ex-fiancee to reach me on your behalf. 利用丹尼尔的前未婚妻来接触我