《复仇》第11集 第22期:送钱的感觉(在线收听

 I never thought giving away a million bucks 我从来没觉得送出这么多钱

could feel so good. 感觉会如此的好
I assume your charity accepts simple donations as well. 我猜你的慈善租住也接受普通捐款吧
How kind of you. 不胜感激
You must be Emily. 你就是艾米莉吧
- Helen Crowley. - Helen. -我是海伦·克劳利  -海伦
How wonderful to finally put a face to the name. 一睹真容  无限荣幸
It sure is. 我也是
Though I am sorry to say,I was just on my way out. 但很抱歉  我正要离开
Oh,well,you mustn't leave empty-handed. 你可不能空手离开
Let me find you a bottle of wine. 让我给您找瓶酒
No,I don't drink. It clouds my judgment. 我不喝酒  酒会影响我的判断
Well... Thank you for your generosity. 谢谢您的慷慨大方
I should probably go 我应该
settle up with the caterers and the vintners. 和筹备人与葡萄酒商  结账了
It might take a little while so-- 这恐怕得费点时间  所以
How--how about a drink later,just you and me? 一会喝杯酒吧  我们两个
Sure. 行
Lovely to meet you,Helen. 很高兴见到你  海伦
You,too,Emily. 我也是  艾米莉
So I vetted Stonehaven United, 我调查了斯通黑文联合公司
and I'm not bullish on their financials. 我对他们的财政情况并不看好
Well,like this,I know it's a worthy cause. 我知道这样做是有价值的