《复仇》第11集 第24:注定失败(在线收听

 I must say that Clarke girl is a lost cause. 那个克拉克女孩注定一辈子失败

Did you hear any of that? 你听见她瞎扯些什么了吗
Enough to know that if you're seriously considering 我听到的足够让我知道
a career shift towards politics, 如果你真的想转战政界的话
then you're missing an enormous opportunity. 你就失去了一个大好机会
Nolan. 诺兰
Padma. Hey,I was just headed out. 帕德玛  我正准备出去
Sorry. I know I'm late. 抱歉  我迟到了
I would've been here earlier 要是马可没丢给我一堆工作
if Marco hadn't thrown a bunch of work at me. 我早就能来了
Strong move. Why the face? 他真出了狠招啊  你怎么这种表情
I'm sure it's nothing, but earlier tonight, 应该没什么事  但是今晚早些时候
I overheard Marco on the phone with Daniel Grayson. 我不小心听到马可和丹尼尔·格雷森通话
They were talking about someone named Carrie Ann something. 他们说到一个叫卡丽·安的人
The way he was talking gave me this paranoid thought 他说话的方式让我觉得
that he and Daniel might be trying 他和丹尼尔可能
to bring in hand-picked personnel to undermine you, 想通过变动人事来打击你
Padma,I-I really--I want to talk to you about this, 帕德玛  我很想跟你谈这件事
but,uh,I am in the middle of... a deal. 但我跟别人有协议在前
Can you meet me back at the office in an hour? 一个小时后在办公室见我行吗
- Okay,but I... - Thanks. -好  但是我  -谢啦
You look beautiful! 你今天很漂亮