《复仇》第11集 第25:实力雄厚(在线收听

 What can I say, Vic? 我能说什么呢  小维

I hate to lose. Always have. 我一向讨厌失败
You did outbid Conrad for 几年前  你可是胜过康拉德
that beautiful Aston Martin a few years ago. 竞价得到了那辆漂亮的阿斯顿·马丁啊
Yes, but at the time, 的确  但当时
I was coveting something far more beautiful. 我是在垂涎更漂亮的东西
Truth is, I meant to impress you tonight. 说实话  我本打算今晚让你惊艳一下的
Unfortunately, 可惜的是
Grayson Global's brash new C. E. O. 格雷森集团的新总裁
proved a more formidable opponent than I was prepared for. 居然是个这么出人意料的强大对手
Oh, well, get used to it. 学会适应吧
With the takeover of Nolcorp, 收回诺氏之后
Daniel's developed deep pockets and a big ego. 丹尼尔财力雄厚又大有抱负
And soon, he's going to be adding a new feather in the company cap 不久之后  他将收购斯通黑文联合公司
with the acquisition of Stonehaven United. 给格雷森集团再添一笔彩
Stonehaven? Interesting. 斯通黑文  有意思
Oh,my God. 我的天
Jason, that's not public knowledge. Loose lips. 杰森  瞧我这大嘴  这信息还没公开呢
Victoria,please. It's already forgotten. 维多利亚  我已经忘了
The only thing on my mind this evening is you. 今晚我脑袋里想的只有你
Well, I have to make the long ride home. 我得回家了
Don't tell me I'm gonna lose you,too. 别告诉我  我还得失去你
On the contrary. 正相反