《复仇》第11集 第26期:离开的机会(在线收听

 What do you want? 你想干什么

To give you a chance... 来给你个机会
which is more than you deserve. 虽然你不值得拥有
Oh, yeah? A chance to what? 是吗  什么机会
To get outta here before you bleed. 在你流血前离开这的机会
Either you and your brother pack it up and leave tonight... 要么你和你哥哥今晚打包离开这里
Or what,hmm? 否则呢
Or you're gonna wish you'd taken me up on my offer. 否则你会后悔的
Amanda. I've been calling you. 阿曼达  我一直在打电话找你
- Excuse us. - Yeah. -失陪了  -嗯
Ashley,what are you doing here? 阿什莉  你在这干嘛
Jack's upstairs. He's waiting for you. 杰克在楼上  他在等你
Jack. 杰克
Okay. 没事了
- Oh, my God. - Oh, baby. -我的天啊  -亲爱的
What happened? 发生什么事了
Mr. Grayson here made some kind of deal with the court. 格雷森先生和法庭达成了协议
They dropped the charges? 他们不起诉了
No. Uh,my co-chair on the,uh, 没有  自由项目的联合主席
on the liberty project is friendly with the judge, 跟法官比较熟
So I just called in a favor. 所以请他帮了个忙
And I asked the judge to set a lenient bail. 我请法官给了个保释
What made you change your mind? 你怎么改变主意了