《复仇》第11集 第27期:工作状态(在线收听

 You guys are back early. 你们回来的挺早啊

What, your big date flame out? 怎么  约会泡汤了吗
Better question-- 问得好
What are you doing here so late? 这么晚你还在这做什么
This is when I get my best work done. 这个时候我的工作状态最好了
Oh, would that be your work... or Daniel's? 是你的工作  还是丹尼尔的工作
Okay. This again. 好吧  又来了
Nolan, what--what do I have to say to you? 诺兰  你想让我跟你说什么
What--what can I do? 我该  该怎么做
You can stop embarrassing yourself. 别自取其辱了
Every move that you've made since you've come back 自从你回来  你所做的每件事
has been about undermining me. 都是在暗中损害我的利益
What have you been telling him? 你都跟他说什么了
The truth, a concept that... 事实真相
continues to elude you. 一个可以继续避开你的想法
Check my E-mails. 看看我的邮件
Check my E-mails. Check every last communication I have made 从我回来继续工作以后
since I started working here again. 所有邮件和通讯记录
Don't mind if I do. 不介意的话我看了
And since you would've never run it through standard E-mail... 因为你从来也不用规范的邮件
It would have to be a ghost. 像鬼一样无所遁形
Not unlike this one, sent to Daniel's personal E-mail. 比如这封  是寄到丹尼尔的私人信箱
"Subject--missing R&D. "标题是  消失的发明
"N. R. will deny it ever existed. "诺兰将会否认它的存在