《复仇》第12集 第6期:幕后黑手(在线收听

You could've just called. 你打个电话就行了

That's so impersonal after all we've been through. 经历那些事之后  这样对你未免太没人情味了

And besides, it's in my best interest 而且  为了我的最大利益

to keep the ball in my court. 还是由我掌握一切

I have my suspicions you were behind 我怀疑葡萄酒拍卖会那件事

that little stunt at the wine auction. 你才是幕后黑手

Oh, you flatter me. 过奖了

If you recall, they gassed us both. 你还记得的话  他们把咱俩都迷晕了

A perfect cover for your partner 正好有个幌子

to run the interrogation. 让你搭档来审问我

You and Victoria Grayson have much to gain 你和维多利亚·格雷森合作

by working together-- 可有不少好处

you to save your sister, she to save her son. 你能救你姐姐  她能救她儿子

I assure you, I had no part to play in our abduction, 我保证  绑架案跟我没关系

nor would I ever collude with that woman. 我也没勾结那个女人

I work alone. 我单干的

And until I see proof of my sister's well-being, 除非看到我姐姐还活着的证据

that's how it's going to stay. 我也不会跟你合作

What's your name again, darlin'? 再说一遍你叫什么  亲爱的

Colleen. 珂兰

That right? You got a family somewhere? 是吗  你有家人吗

I have a brother. 有个弟弟

What do I have to do? 要我做什么

Kill Victoria Grayson. 杀了维多利亚·格雷森

You have 24 hours. 给你24小时
