《复仇》第12集 第9期:前途光明(在线收听

 Stonehaven and its employees meant everything to my father. 斯通海文及其员工就是我父亲的一切

And I'm not interested in handing it over to someone 我没兴趣把它交给
with plans to break it up and sell it for parts. 要把它拆分卖钱的人
Believe me, that's not my intention at all. 相信我  我不会的
Forgive me, but your company's rather dubious reputation 抱歉  贵公司可疑的信誉
doesn't offer much comfort. 并不能让人放心
Well, I think we can all agree 我想我们都同意
that Grayson Global needs its own kind of disaster relief. 格雷森国际也需要一些"赈灾救助"
Why don't you mention what we were talking about earlier? 不如说说我们之前谈过的事吧
Right. 对
My goal is to re-brand our image 我的目标是重塑公司形象
so that the "Global" refers to world view, "国际"指的是全球视野
not world domination. 而不是全球控制
Thank you for your candor. 多谢您的坦诚
And I can tell you 我可以告诉您
that your bid is on top of a very short list 您的投标绝对会在为数不多的竞标人中
of competing offers. 位居前列
Well, thank you very much for this opportunity, 非常感谢能有这次机会
Ms. Carlisle. It's been a pleasure. 卡莱尔女士  很高兴见到您
Lovely to meet you. 很高兴见到你
You, too. 我也是
You see? 你看
If it weren't for you, I may have lost her just now. 要不是你  我就失信于她了
Thanks for the assist. 多谢帮助啊
Well, we haven't won yet. 我们还没赢呢
But it's looking up. 但前途一片光明啊
Should we head to the hotel? 我们现在回宾馆