《复仇》第13集 第4期:财政自杀(在线收听

 I tracked the electrical meter from the video 我追踪到录像里的电表

to a condemned apartment building in Jersey city. 属于泽西市的一幢公寓楼
Did he say what he was expecting to find? 他说了他想找什么吗
I don't even think he knows. 我觉得连他自己都不清楚
To get clues as to who killed her, I guess. 大概是想找出是谁杀了她
Or irrefutable proof that she's actually dead. 或是她已死亡的确凿证据
The Initiative has him second-guessing everything. 联盟让他开始质疑一切
Aiden's not the only one. 不止是艾登
What did the Initiative want with a teenage girl? 为什么联盟要对付一个小女孩
Their father was the real target. 他们的父亲才是真正目标
Aiden's dad was a baggage handler at Heathrow. 艾登的父亲是希思罗机场的行李员
He loaded the bomb on to flight 197. 是他给197航班装上了炸弹
Colleen was never heard from again. 从那以后  珂兰就失踪了
Do you think there's a possibility 你觉得有没有可能
that the Initiative is doing the same thing to Padma? 联盟对帕德玛用了同样的手段
Maybe they got to her family, too. 也许他们也控制了她的家人
I don't know, but right now 我不知道  但目前
all I care about is finding Aiden. 我的头等大事是找到艾登
In the meantime, I need you to hack into 同时  我还要你帮我
the Jersey city police system. 黑进泽西市的警察系统
Cross-check all Jane Does from six years ago 反复核查自六年前出现的任何
with Colleen's description. 符合珂兰描述特征的女人
Helen, I need to go on record here. 海伦  我要你对我表个态
Switching funds out of the European markets 从欧洲市场撤资
is fiscal suicide. 无疑是财政自杀
We're comfortable with the short-term losses. 我们能接受短期损失
Daniel, our final plans are much grander in scope. 丹尼尔  我们的最终目标涵盖的范围可广得多