《复仇》第13集 第15期:噩梦(在线收听

 Which you did. And then? 你成功了  然后呢

They wanted me to locate a code 他们想让我找到
for a program you'd written called Carrion. 你写的那个程序  叫做蚀尸项目
How did they know it even existed? 他们到底是怎么知道这个项目的
I don't know. I don't even know what it does. 不知道  我甚至都不知道这项目有什么用
Well, let's just say, in the wrong hands, 先这么说吧  万一它落到坏人手里
Carrion would have millions of innocent people 数百万人都会希望
wishing I'd never taken intro to computers in fourth grade. 我四年级那会儿没有上过电脑课
Lucky for humanity, I gave you an incomplete version of it. 算人类走运  我给你的是不完整的版本
So you knew all along? 这事你一直都知道吗
Nolan, You have to know 诺兰  你要知道
that through this whole nightmare... 在这整个噩梦当中
my feelings for you... They're all real. 我对你的情感都是真实的
- And I want to believe that. - I do. -你一定要相信我  -我信
I just... need to think. 我就是要好好想想
About whether you're going to help me... 要想想是要帮我一把
or leave me? 还是离开我吗
Guys, Crowley isn't asking for an analysis of the metrics. 伙计们  克劳利不是想要数据的分析
She understands the volatility of these markets. 她明白这些市场的动荡性