《复仇》第13集 第18期:拥有爱(在线收听

 You are the most... 你是我认识的

incredible person I know... 最棒的男人
The most... kind 你是那么善良
and loving... 忠诚
and generous. 慷慨
I would say I don't deserve you... 我想说我配不上你
But if you've taught me one thing, it's that... 但是你教会了我一个道理
everyone deserves love... 每个人都配拥有爱
and hope... 希望
and security. 还有安全感
Without you I wouldn't have any of these things. 没有你  我永远都不会拥有这些
With you, my life is complete. 没有你  我的生命就不完整
With this ring... 戴上这枚戒指
I promise to cherish you... 我发誓将从今往后
and to honor you from this day forward 定会珍惜你  尊重你
until the end of time. 直至永远