《复仇》第15集 第4期:低级罪犯(在线收听

 This is an unusual choice of venue. 这个集合地点真少见

It doesn't offer much security. 安全系数不高
For you or for me? 对你们还是对我
The last meeting you called with one of our operatives, 上次你们约见了手下一个间谍
she vanished without a trace. 她便消失得无影无踪
We told you that we didn't have anything to do with it. 我们告诉过你  这和我们无关
Yes. 是啊
According to you, she fell prey to one angry little girl 你们说  她被一个愤怒的小姑娘干掉了
who, as serendipity would have it, has now disappeared herself. 而这小姑娘自己也神奇地消失了
I'm sure you know by now 现在你一定知道
that what happened on that boat was no accident. 那条船上发生的事不是意外
A low-level criminal named Nate Ryan 一个叫奈特·瑞安的低级罪犯
had a vendetta against the groom, 和新郎有血海深仇
and apparently sought to terrorize 想在这对新人度蜜月时
the both of them on their honeymoon. 恐吓他们
How do you know all this? 你是怎么知道的
Because he called me from the boat. 他在船上打电话给我
Tricked me into confirming the existence of the computer. 引诱我证实了电脑的存在
To what end? 为了什么
Financial reward. 金钱上的回报
In a plea for their lives, 为了保命
Ms. Clarke offered all the evidence against us as ransom. 克拉克小姐用对我们不利的证据作为交换
So we should expect the computer to be raised with the wreckage? 那么电脑会和船只残骸一同打捞上来吗
Unfortunately, we're not experts in marine salvage, Mr. Trask. 可惜我们不了解船只打捞  查斯克先生
I'm sure the tides have a mind of their own. 潮水一定有自己的想法
All your problems wrapped up with a pretty bow. 所有问题完美契合