《复仇》第15集 第10期:蚀尸计划(在线收听

 I know you technically have free rein over this place, 我知道你可以随意管理这地方

but believe me when I tell you, 但听我说
You do not want to mess with me, not today. 别烦我  至少今天别
I'm sorry about Jack and Amanda. 杰克和阿曼达的事情  我很遗憾
I-I just heard. 我刚刚才听说
I know you didn't come all the way across town 我知道你跑这么远过来
to deliver your half-hearted condolences. 不是来虚情假意的吊唁的
What do you want? 你要怎样
You never sent me the report I asked for 你一直没给我发我要的报告
detailing your abandoned R&D. 详细说明你放弃了的发明
Yeah. Guess I kind of forgot about it. 是  大概我忘了这事
No, see, I don't think you did. 不  我觉得你没忘
I think you don't want me to know about carrion, 我觉得你是不想让我知道"蚀尸计划"
and you'd rather get fired than tell me what it does. 宁愿解雇  也不愿告诉我那是什么
Let's see if you're right. Fire me. 那就走着瞧  解雇我就是
Nolan, 诺兰
If I find out you've done anything 如果我发现  你没有
other than destroy that program, 摧毁了那个项目
I won't just fire you. 我不会只是开除你
I will cripple you with lawsuits 我会告你告到底
and make sure you never write another line of code again. 确保你再也写也不出一行代码
You got it? 懂了吗
Control, alt, delete. 彻底删除
Got it. 懂了