《复仇》第16集 第5期:扫了雅兴(在线收听

 Excuse me. 失陪一下

Hello. 你好
I'm at your house. Where are you? 我在你家里  你在哪
I'm with Victoria. 我和维多利亚在一起
She's putting together a foundation in honor of Amanda. 她正在为纪念阿曼达的基金会筹集资金
I wanted to see how I could help. 我看看是否能帮上什么忙
I bet you did. Well... 我猜你也是
Don't let me interrupt. 别让我扫了你的雅兴
Oh, my God. I completely forgot. 天哪  我全都忘了
Stay there. I'll be right down. 等着我  我马上就回去
I am so sorry. I am late for a breakfast meeting. 不好意思  我要赶去参加一个早餐会
Um, maybe I can call you later, Victoria, 我晚些再打电话给你  维多利亚
- to continue our discussion? - Certainly. -继续之前未完的话题  -好的
- It was a pleasure to meet you. - Thanks. -很高兴见到你  -谢谢
And since I'll be staying for a while, 既然我会在这里待上一阵
I look forward to getting to know you... 我很希望能够更加了解你
And all the people who knew my sister, of course. 当然了  包括所有认识我妹妹的人
Speaking of which, is, uh, Charlotte here? 既然说到这了  请问夏洛特在吗
I wanted to say thank you for inviting me. 我想当面谢谢她邀请我来
Oh, I'm afraid my daughter's still at school. 恐怕这个时候她还在学校
But I'm sure Amanda's husband would love to meet you, 不过我想阿曼达的丈夫会很高兴见到你
and I can give you directions to his tavern. 我可以告诉你他酒吧的位置
Perfect. 太好了