《复仇》第17集 第7期:四处碰壁(在线收听

 How you doing? 你怎么样

Little guy keep you up all night? 小家伙折腾得你一夜没睡吗
No, no, no. 没没没
Carl slept through the night. I just... 卡尔整夜睡得很香  只是我..
can't stomach that empty bed. 没法忍受那张空荡荡的床
Looks like you've been busy. 看来你也很忙
Any luck finding Kenny? 有找到肯尼的线索了吗
No. None. 没  杳无音信
His apartment's empty. His phone's been disconnected. 他的公寓没人  电话撤消了
There's no activity on his credit cards. 信用卡也没有交易记
Nolan. 诺兰给我的
I promised I wouldn't give up, but I... 我发誓不会放弃  但我
I keep hitting these dead ends. 只是在四处碰壁
If I can't find Kenny, I may never know 如果找不到肯尼  可能我就永远
exactly what happened to Amanda, or worse, 都不知道那晚阿曼达发生了什么
why it happened. 还有这一切的缘由
Well, maybe don't give up just yet. 现在还不是放弃的时候
- I think I have an idea. - Jack, you in there? -我有个主意  -杰克  你在吗
- Don't do anything stupid. - I'm not gonna do... -别干傻事  -我不会...
Emily. 艾米莉
You know what? I gotta get back to class. 我要回去上课了
- But, uh, I'll see you later. - Okay. -我们待会见  -好的
Bye, Emily. 再见  艾米莉
You're not returning my calls. 你不回我的电话
Yeah, I was busy. 是啊  我很忙
Still trying to figure out a way to get back at Conrad? 还在想怎么报复康拉德吗